
Thursday 22 March 2012

Tabata Training

Want more bang for your buck during exercise? I know I would! What if I told you, you could achieve this in only a few minutes? Well, you can definitely do this with Tabata Training.

Tabata training involves pre-set intervals of time on and off for a specific number of minutes. It’s a high intensity, short, and effective workout. The classic example is 20-seconds-on followed by 10-seconds-off for a total of 4 minutes. During the time on, you want to perform as many repetitions as fast as possible while keeping good form. This is what makes Tabata’s good for all fitness levels as everyone will be outputting their maximum effort. You can use a variety of exercises with Tabata Training: squats, lunges, push ups, sprints, etc. To make it even more challenging try using plyometric exercises like jump squats (provided that you are experienced with plyometrics). That being said, if you are new to Tabata Training keep it simple and stable so until you build up your fitness.

Tabata training can be performed almost anywhere. Not only can you get it done and over with at home, but it’s short and sweet so there are no excuses for not getting your daily workout in. However, Tabata should not replace a well-rounded fitness routine, but rather complement it for improved results.

Tabata Training is also a great way to switch up your usual cardio routine and it’s especially beneficial if you’re short on time. Rather than a 30 minute jog, try sprinting for 30-seconds-on and 30-seconds-off for 5 minutes. I guarantee you will see results!

One important thing to keep in mind when doing Tabata’s is to make sure you adequately warm up. Perform some dynamic stretches and go for a fast paced walk to increase your heart rate before you get going. And of course, listen to your body! While it is important to push yourself, you don’t want to go too far. If at any time you feel dizziness, light-headedness, or pain, stop immediately and walk it off.

For an example Tabata routine, this is what I did yesterday:
Total time = 4 minutes; 20-seconds-on, 10-seconds-off
Alternate between 1) plyometric squats (jump squats) and 2) push-up followed by bringing my knee to my arm on either side.

Image Source: intervaltraining

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