
Friday 30 December 2011

Please let me introduce myself

Hello all!

My name is Samantha and I am about to embark on a journey to optimal health! I am a senior nutrition undergrad and although I have learned a lot about health and wellness throughout my courses, I have yet to truly apply my knowledge to my own life. Don't get me wrong, I am health conscious. It's almost impossible not to be having been surrounded by nutrition in both my academic and personal life. However, I must admit that I don't really 'practice what I preach' and I think it's about time that I did!

What brought on this sudden change of heart you ask? Well, it's not a new years resolution, this is something I have been contemplating for quite some time. However, this summer I am getting married and, as most women would agree, I want to look damn fine on my wedding day! I know, so stereotypical...I admit it, but hey, why not use this boost of motivation to kick start my new lifestyle. Note the key word there is lifestyle. Yes, this is not just a simple weight loss journey so that I can 'fit into the dress.' No, this is about implementing permanent changes so that I can finally feel at peace with myself.

You see, I have 2 sides. The 'good side' that applies my nutritional knowledge to my daily routine and feels good about it. This side is the 'angelic one' and at times she can be a bit of a perfectionist. Perfectionism is not always good though so this is something I need to work on. The 'bad side' is addicted to sugar and will find any excuse to slip it into my diet. Stress is the main culprit and, being a student, it rears it's ugly head quite often. Boredom is another culprit along with special occasions, date night, and depressed mood. Oh, and of course there's always girls night which is another killer. This is the side that I am ashamed of. Why?  Because I should know better! I am educated in the field of nutrition and fitness so I of all people should know better!

Luckily, fitness is on my side. I love to exercise! I will even be getting my personal training certification this spring! Currently, I help out friends as an amateur personal trainer and nutritionist. I've actually helped one of my good friends lose 20lbs! My next project will be helping myself lose 15-20lbs on my way to my ultimate goal of achieving optimal health. Most of the time I exercise regularly, however, during exams I 'fall off the wagon.' This is an obstacle that I must learn to overcome. I can't let life's obligations get in the way of taking care of myself. Consistency is key in both nutrition and fitness. It is time for Samantha to be consistent!

Throughout this blog, I will be sharing my experiences and explaining my diet and exercise routines. You may find this helpful if you are struggling with your own demons. Feel free to use any of my ideas. For the next little while, my life will be an open book. If you enjoy my blog, feel free to leave a comment or ask any questions. If not, that's okay too.

I feel excited! And most importantly, I feel ready!

Image Source: My Thorn, ottawaathleticclub