
Tuesday 14 August 2012

I'm Back!

Hey guys! So I'm married now! I had the most amazing destination wedding and I couldn't be happier :)

Since I've been back, I've been working on getting things back on track. There was a bit of a post vacation lull where I was not exercising or eating consistently, but I've got my exercise routine going and my eating habits are almost back to normal. I must say, it is tough getting back to a healthy routine after a long vacation.

With that being said, I am proud of myself for my actions while away. I kept all my meals as healthy and balanced as possible. My indulgences came with dessert after dinner and ice cream during the afternoon. Cruises always have those soft serve ice cream machines all over the ship. Luckily, they had frozen yogurt on this cruise so I opted for that rather than the ice cream. Don't think I was fooling myself though, there is still plenty of sugar in frozen yogurt and I was aware of that. Being conscious of your choices is a big step when trying to live healthier. It is much more difficult to go overboard when you are aware of the less healthy food choices you are making.

I've started my new job as a Personal Training Specialist. Today I put up the center's display board (as seen above). What do you think? I can't wait to start training clients!

Please feel free to leave comments on any topics you are interested in learning more about and I will be sure to do a blog post on it.

Ciao for now!