
Thursday 20 June 2013

New evidence concerning nuts and seeds

I came across this video the other day and I thought it was worth a share:

This is what I love about science; it is always evolving. I was taught to follow Canada's Food Guide (CFG) in all of my nutrition classes. For adults, the CFG recommends 2-3 servings of meat and alternatives per day - 2 for women and 3 for men. One serving of nuts or seeds is equivalent to 1/4 cup (60ml). So, if one did not eat any meat, beans, lentils, or eggs, then 1/2 - 3/4 cup of nuts and seeds would fill the daily requirement for meats and alternatives. I don't know about you, but I can eat a lot more than that!

I was also taught in school that one needs to be careful with nuts and seeds as they are high in fat and calories. While this is true, new evidence - as shown in the video above - clearly opposes the idea that we need to concern ourselves with measuring these foods. We no longer need to feel guilty if we overdo it a bit on the nuts and seeds. What a relief!

I am curious to hear your opinions on this matter so please feel free to leave a comment.

Image source: rawfoodrecipes


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