
Wednesday 20 February 2013

Body Revolution: Final Update

Hi guys,

So I realize that I never finished my Body Revolution review and I am very sorry. I did finish the program, but I switched things up a bit because the way the program was laid out was not quite my cup of tea. I appreciate the fact that we have 2 weeks to do the same workouts in the same order - the first week is to introduce your body to the workouts and the second week is to get your body accustomed to the workouts - but I found that I did not "feel the burn" during the second week. So, I decided to run through the program doing every other week. This way, I got to do new workouts every time and it stayed challenging for me. As a result, I finished the program in half the time (well at least the last 2 months of the program).

I thought the program was a well-rounded and challenging regime that definitely kicks your butt into gear. I did see results in my fitness level as I found that my endurance and ability to keep up with the pace felt easier as I went through the program. At the end, I also went back and did the first workout just for fun and I thought it was really really easy! In terms of "body revolution," I did see some new definition in my arms, legs and abdomen, but my body wasn't drastically changed. That said, I already do workout on a regular basis and I have done Jillian's "Making the Cut" program several times over so I am very familiar with her workouts. In fact, since my body is so accustomed to her exercises, it is likely that I would not see as drastic of a change as someone who has never done her style of training.

Overall, I think it's a great program that anyone could do and I would recommend it to others.

Image Source: iOffer

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