
Tuesday 31 January 2012

To Be, or Not To Be, a Couch Potato

Today I was feeling a lack of motivation. Yes, I have bad days too. When my alarm rang at 7:30am, I snoozed it and went right back to sleep. When it rang again 10 minutes later, I told myself "no chance I'm getting up." I considered skipping class. I even considered skipping my workout. I felt tired and achy and all I wanted to do was stay in bed or lay on the couch all day.

Then this little voice in my head (my better half) whispered to me "just get up Samantha." Luckily, I'm the type of person that cannot go back to sleep once I'm awake. Well, unless I'm sick or overly exhausted. I knew that once I got out of bed that it would get easier. So I conjured all my will power and made myself wake up.

Once I reached campus, I bought myself a latte. I'm not a big coffee/latte drinker. I usually only drink them on occasion, but this was one morning that I felt I needed a boost.

After class, I was scheduled to head to the gym. I still didn't feel like it. Again, that little voice whispered "just go Samantha." So I did. Afterwards, I felt much better. There's a sense of accomplishment I feel when I've stick to a preset goal or plan, especially when I didn't want to follow through with it. I was proud of myself for not listening to my laziness.

There will always be days or moments that require you to fight yourself. These are the hardest conflicts to overcome, but when you do, I promise you'll feel proud.

Image Source: jibid


  1. Hi Samantha!

    I don't think I could be as motivated as you are... my inner voice is just not that strong! Have you ever listened to it and then regretted it? Have you ever pushed yourself too hard then got injured?

    1. I can't say that I've ever regretted listening to my inner voice. But I have pushed myself to the point of injury before. I tore my hamstrings. It hurt A LOT! And it taught me the signs to watch out for during exercise to better help me prevent injury. This is why it's so important to pay attention to your body.

  2. Good for you Sam! I struggle with being a couch potato everyday, but I feel much better when I do exercise and not let my "bad side" take over. I like knowing people like you that get me motivated :)

    1. Thanks Daniela! Glad I could help! Just keep going, take it day by day, and you'll definitely reach your goals :)


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