
Wednesday 20 February 2013

ZCUT Power Cardio Series Review

I have been following Zuzana Light, or Zuzka, for the past year and I absolutely love her workouts! The thing that I appreciate most about Zuzka is that she posts free workouts that are available to anyone with internet access. Her workouts are called ZWOW's which stand for Zuzanna's Workout Of the Week. They can be found on YouTube or on her webpage,

Recently, she came out with a 90 day DVD program called ZCUT Power Cardio Series. The best thing about this program is that she has made it very affordable by pricing it at $15.95 USD. When I heard about this program I knew I had to do it. The program consists of: 12 workouts plus a warm-up, cool-down, and bonus abs workout. The workouts are all 10-15 minutes long. I know what you're thinking, how can I get great results from only 10-15 minutes of exercise each day? Well, Zuzka uses a method known as high intensity interval training (HIIT) in her workouts. I explained one form of HIIT workouts in a previous posting called Tabata Training. Basically, it's an all out maximum effort workout that has you working as hard as physically possible during those 10-15 minutes. Because the intensity is so high, you will likely see more benefit from these short HIIT workouts than you would in an hour long gym session.

So, as I'm sure you have already guessed, I will be reviewing this ZCUT program for the next 3 months and updating you guys on how it goes. I know this program is going to be tough. In fact, I am looking forward to it! At the end of this 3 month period, I will post my results so you can see the difference of the before and after. I will try to update every couple weeks on my progress as I go through the program.

I will be starting this Sunday (Feb 24).
Here goes :)

Image Source: zuzkalight


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