
Tuesday 17 January 2012

Week 2: Sick, but Optimistic

Well, week 2 has been a bit of a setback. I got pretty sick so I had to press pause on my workout schedule. Nonetheless, I do not feel defeated. Life happens so you just gotta role with it! I stayed in for a few days, even missed classes (which never happens) and now I am starting to feel better. Even though I was out of commission in terms of intense exercise, I still did a few small things while I was stuck at home. I stretched and made sure to walk around every-so-often to get the blood moving. I also took care with regards to nutrition. As all of us were told by our mommies during our childhoods, "drink lots of fluids & eat right." But what does "eat right" really mean? That word can differ from person to person.

In my opinion, eating right means eating real whole foods. Foods that didn't exist when our great grandparents were just wee little ones are not included in this definition. Basically, anything that comes from the earth or had a mother is A-Okay!

Now, I'm not saying that you can't indulge here and there in your favorite sweet or salty treats. It's all about moderation. But, when your sick or if your body needs a boost, then you should be a bit more strict with what you put in your mouth.

If you stick to these little rules of thumb, then you never need to diet or feel guilty for cheating again! Furthermore, if there is a particular "bad" food that you just cannot live without, then try finding a healthier version of that food by searching for recipes that will not only lower the calories and fat, but also increase the nutrients so that you can "have your cake and eat it too."
 For example, I love brownies, so whenever I'm craving one, instead of heading to my local bakery or coffee shop, I bake black bean brownies! This way I get to indulge in a delicious treat while at the same time getting proteins, good fats, and lowering the calories and sugar!

I know that black bean brownies sound a little funny. I've tried recommending it to friends and they usually respond with a weird look on their face. But once they try it, they actually find that it tastes better and more moist than regular brownies. Check out dinnerwithjulie for a delicious black bean brownie recipe. Try something different!

Image Source: bikejames, notquitesouthsurrey, dinnerwithjulie


  1. Black bean brownies?! I've never heard of that before! Does that really taste good? Do you add a lot of sugar? Where can I get the recipe?

    I'm sorry that you've been sick, I guess its the season! I haven't been feeling so well myself lately - haven't worked out as often as I would like, but as soon as I feel 100% I'm back to the gym!

  2. Yes, black bean brownies are delicious and nutritious! At the bottom of this post there is a link (dinnerwithjulie). If you click on it, it will take you to a website that has the recipe. Give it a try!

  3. Mmm! That sounds weirdly delicious!

  4. hey there sunshine, i found you and i love your blog!!! you mind if i promote it? it's a heck of a lot more informative than mine and awesome!!!, so yeah can i?
    good luck to the both of us darling

    1. Thank you for the kind words. Yes, by all means, the more, the merrier!


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