
Wednesday 25 January 2012

Getting the Hang of This

Well, it's been a few weeks now and I finally feel like I'm getting settled in. I'm over the adjustment phase so I'm not feeling as tired. On the contrary, I'm feeling more revitalized! As I've mentioned before, getting on the exercise consistency bandwagon is not the hard part for me. I enjoy exercising so much that I consider it a hobby. I even like that sore feeling you get the day after a hard workout (I know, I'm crazy!).

No, the hard part for me is consistency with diet. The term diet is not to be confused with dieting. I do not diet. I do not believe in diets, I think they are all fads and all they leave you with is a feeling of frustration and failure (much like Mr. Grumpy to the left).

Rather, I believe in moderation. A diet consisting of whole foods that leaves room for life's "guilty pleasures" every so often. The reason I put the quotation marks around guilty pleasures is because I don't believe that anyone should feel guilty when they choose to indulge in something that is considered to be unhealthy. There are no good and bad foods, there is only food. Some foods should be eaten regularly, others occasionally. That's all there is to it! (Like the veggie cake photo? I thought it was cute)

I am happy to say that I am finally practicing what I preach. I really believe this blog is helping me a great deal. It allows me to voice and reflect on my ideas and opinions. When all of these ideas are just floating around in my head, I don't often stop and straighten them out with a fine-tooth comb. Being a nutrition undergrad, during classes, different profs would bark different information at me and sometimes I would get confused as to what I really believed. This blog gives me a space to clear that all up and understand myself and my beliefs better.

That being said, I am feeling very positive for the future. I have a certain picture in my mind of my ideal self and how I want to live and I believe I am getting there.

Image Source: somethingsweetcakery, google


  1. I do like the veggie cake photo! I have a question: in what ways are you "practicing what you preach"? How exactly has your lifestyle changed since starting this blog? If you feel like sharing, details would be very helpful!


    1. The answer to your question is quite long. Actually, you've inspired me to write a post (Walk the Talk). Thank you for your comment and please refer to that post for the answer :)


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